Die Ringvorlesung Turkologie "Der Buchdeckel als Weltkarte. Osmanisch-türkische Literaturen (16.-21. Jahrhundert)" widmet sich der Vielfalt der osmanisch-türkischen und zeitgenössischen türkischen Literaturen. In zwölf Vorträgen werden neben der klassischen osmanischen Poesie wesentliche Strömungen ebenso beleuchtet wie auch auf spezifische Aspekte osmanischer und türkischer Literatur (Schmähgedichte, Religionskritik, Apokalypse, Satire, Lektürekanon) eingegangen werden. Schließlich bieten die Vorträge einen Einblick in die interkulturelle Dimension osmanischer und türkischer Literaturen.
Den Auftakt macht am 11. März 2020 Edith Ambros (Universität Wien) mit dem Vortrag „Sechs Jahrhunderte osmanische Literatur: Hauptströmungen“.
Weitere Informationen zu den Vorträgen und Referent*innen finden Sie hier.
Digital humanities and Ottoman studies. State of the art,
challenges, perspectives and prospective research
26-28 March 2020, University of Vienna
The Department of Near Eastern Studies of the University of Vienna is hosting the international workshop “Digital humanities and Ottoman studies. State of the art, challenges, perspectives and prospective research”. The workshop is organised by the Chair of Turkish and Ottoman Studies at the University of Vienna and computer scientists from the Computer Science Department, (Research Group "Computerphilology") at the University of Hamburg who are currently working together on advanced digital humanities (DH) methods to be applied in Ottoman studies. The workshop organisers are members of the Mixed Methods project HerCoRe – Hermeneutic and Computer-based Analysis of Reliability, Consistency and Vagueness in Historical Texts (https://www.inf.uni-hamburg.de/in…/dmp/hercore/projects.html). The Austrian Centre for Digital Humanities and Cultural Heritage (ACDH-CH) is the major collaborating partner for the workshop. The workshop is funded by the Volkswagen Foundation within its ‘Mixed Methods’ in the Humanities program.
In recent years, the number of initiatives and projects that use digital methods and techniques has been increasing. However, given the area and period of time covered by the Ottoman Empire, the usage of digital methods faces particular challenges in Ottoman studies (a multitude of scripts, languages, cultural identities, diverse historical periods). The “Digital humanities and Ottoman studies” workshop brings together more than 40 researchers from the fields of Ottoman studies, computer science and digital humanities based in Austria, Germany, Italy, Switzerland, Turkey and the US. The participants will discuss the potentials and challenges of digital Ottoman research. The workshop addresses these challenges and covers a variety of topical issues in the DH:
- Digitisation and palaeography
- Digital editions
- Language technology, text mining, text analysis
- Ontology / knowledge representation
- Vagueness and uncertainty
- Annotation / search
- Data modelling, data encoding, standards
- Visualisation; other media: 3D, GIS
- Infrastructures; metadata
The workshop will examine particularities, challenges and advances in computational methods that can be applied to Ottoman data. At the same time, it will pay attention to the role of traditional hermeneutic methods in a digital environment.
For the first time on this scale, computer scientists, DH experts and scholars of Ottoman studies will be brought together. Therefore, this workshop aims at providing a basis for future initiatives that will help to strengthen and develop mixed methods in digital Ottoman studies. Furthermore, the workshop looks at possible ways to integrate DH into teaching as part of Ottoman studies programmes. Please note that, due to space concerns, participation in the workshop as audience is unfortunately no longer possible. For participation in the opening event on 26 March 2020 at 17:30, please contact Ayşe Dilsiz Hartmuth at ayse.dilsiz@univie.ac.at.
Wonderful Edirne: A Marvelous Ottoman City
Amy Singer (Brandeis University)
30 März 2020, 18:00 Uhr
IHB / Forschungsbereich Balkanforscung
Apostelgasse 23, 1030 Wien
Seminarraum Erdgeschoß
In Kooperation mit der Balkanforschung an der ÖAW freuen wir uns, Ihnen am 30. März einen Vortrag von Amy Singer (Brandeis University) anbieten zu können.
Wonderful Edirne: A Marvelous Ottoman City
Hekim Beşir Çelebi was apparently a fifteenth-century physician (hekim), invited to leave the court of the Karamanid ruler in south-central Anatolia in order to join the Ottoman sultan, Mehmed II (1451–81) in Edirne. This city in Eastern Thrace remained the most important Ottoman city in Southern Europe until the end of the Ottoman era and beyond. The narrator of Tarih-i Edirne. Hikayet-i Beşir Çelebi (The History of Edirne and Tale of Beşir Çelebi) describes the spiritual advantages of Edirne: a place of wonder, with legends attached to its sites emphasizing the sanctity of the city and justified its favored status among the Ottoman gazis (fighters). Hekim Beşir Çelebi’s text has thus been understood to sustain the gazis’ objections to the Ottoman conquest of Constantinople and its transformation into the Ottoman capital as Istanbul. This lecture examines closely the wondrous legends associated with Edirne to understand how key personalities like the prophet Muhammad and contemporary spiritual leaders like Haci Bayram and Shaykh Hamid, together with key buildings and sites, are invoked to establish Edirne’s excellences.
Amy Singer holds the Hassenfeld Chair in Islamic Studies and Professor of History at Brandeis University. She is the acting president of the Ottoman and Turkish Studies Association (2018–2020). Singer began from agrarian history, Palestinian peasants and Ottoman officials Rural administration around sixteenth-century Jerusalem (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994), continued with a micro-history of an imperial public kitchen in Jerusalem, Constructing Ottoman Beneficence: an Imperial Soup Kitchen in Jerusalem (Albany: SUNY Press, 2002), followed by a broad study, Charity in Islamic Societies (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2008). Currently, she explores Ottoman Edirne as a foundational location of the Ottoman state.
Für weitere Vorträge der Balkanforschung an der ÖAW siehe hier.
Andreas Tietze Fellow im Sommersemester 2020
Wir begrüßen Pınar Karakılçık (Université Sorbonne Paris Cité -INALCO) in der Wiener Turkologie. Sie wird sie vom April 2020 bis Juli 2020 ihr Projekt "A sociolinguistic introduction to Turkish dialectology in the context of grassroots texts in Armeno-Turkish" forschen.
Traveling Practices and the Emergence of Tourism
in the Middle East (16th-20th Centuries)
Vienna, 12-13 June 2020
The chair of Ottoman and Turkish Studies at the Near Eastern Studies Department of the University of Vienna and the Institute for Iranian Studies of the Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW) co-organize the workshop "Travelling Practices and the Emergence of Tourism in the Middle East" in Vienna on June 12-13, 2020.
More information on the workshop can be found on the workshop website.
Diyâr ist eine neue wissenschaftliche Fachzeitschrift, herausgegeben von der Gesellschaft für Turkologie, Osmanistik und Türkeiforschung e. V. (GTOT). Diyâr wird derzeit von Yavuz Köse als Chefredakteur an der Universität Wien betreut. Sie beschäftigt sich mit der Türkei, dem Osmanischen Reich und seinen Nachfolgestaaten sowie mit Iran, Zentralasien und dem Kaukasus. Thematisiert werden Sprache, Kultur, Geschichte und Gegenwart der unterschiedlichen turk- und iranischsprachigen Volksgruppen, Dynastien und Staaten sowie anderer in diesen Regionen lebender ethnolinguistischer und religiöser Gruppen.
Diyâr erscheint zwei Mal im Jahr. Artikel mit einem Umfang von max. 60.000 Zeichen (inklusive Fußnoten und Leerzeichen) und einem dazugehörigen Abstract von 150-200 Wörtern sowie (bis zu) 6 Schlagwörtern können jederzeit bei Tabea Becker-Bertau (diyar@ergon-verlag.de) eingereicht werden. Diyâr publiziert Beiträge in deutscher, englischer und französischer Sprache.
Mitglieder der GTOT erhalten einen kostenfreien Online-Zugriff auf Diyâr. Ferner wird die Printausgabe von Heft 1 (Frühjahr 2020) allen GTOT-Mitgliedern kostenfrei zugestellt (zzgl. Versand).
Weitere Informationen zur GTOT-Mitgliedschaft erhalten Sie hier.
Informationen über den Bezug für Nichtmitglieder erhalten Sie hier.
Turkologentag 2020
The Fourth European Convention on Turkic, Ottoman and Turkish Studies will be held in Mainz from September 16 to 18, 2020.
The conference is organized by the Society for Turkic, Ottoman and Turkish Studies (GTOT) in co-operation with the Chair of Turcology of Johannes Gutenberg University.
The deadline for abstract submission for Turkologentag 2020 has now expired. The organizers are happy to receive 32 panel proposals and 311 proposals for individual papers, amounting to a total of 433 paper proposals from a variety of countries, including Algeria, Armenia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Canada, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Finnland, France, Germany, Hungary, Iran, Italy, Japan, Kazakhstan, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Romania, Russia, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, the United Kingdom, the USA and Uzbekistan.
Abstract submission for students' papers is still open until March 31, 2020:
For the second time, the Society for Turkic, Ottoman and Turkish Studies (GTOT) is awarding the GTOT Prize for Outstanding Theses in the Fields of Turkic, Ottoman and Turkish Studies to junior researchers.
The authors of the top three M.A. theses will receive 500 EUR each; the best dissertation will be awarded 1.000 EUR. Abstracts of the awarded works will be published in Diyâr. Journal for Ottoman, Turkish and Middle Eastern Studies.
The deadline for submissions is May 1, 2020. More information on the GTOT Prize 2020 can be found here.