
Beginning with Volume XXXVI/XXXVII, purchase is made through book trade or directly through the Department of Near Eastern Studies with our order form.

Older volumes that are still available can be purchased through the publisher Ferdinand Berger & Söhne Gesellschaft m.b.H. on their online store.

Order form for RAI 65, Paris 2019


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c/o Department of Near Eastern Studies
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Purchase through the Department of Near Eastern Studies:

Volume XXXVI/XXXVII (1989/90) Euro 103.92
Volume XXXVIII/XXXIX (1991/92) Euro 89.39
Volume XL/XLI (1993/94) Euro 103.20
Volume XLII/XLIII (1995/96) Euro 100.29
Volume XLIV/XLV (1997/98) Euro 130.08
Volume XLVI/XLVII (1999/2000) Euro 112.64
Volume XLVIII/XLIX (2001/02) Euro 113.00
Volume L (2003/2004) Euro 138.00
Volume LI (2005/2006) Euro 98.00
Volume LII (2011) Euro 142.00
Volume LIII (2015) Euro 149.00
Volume LIV (2021) Euro 99.00
Volume LV (2022) Euro 44.00

Purchase through the publisher Ferdinand Berger & Söhne Ges.m.b.H.:

Indicated price only due to currency conversion from ATS to Euro
Volume XXII (1968) Euro 66.13
Volume XXIII (1970) Euro 71.22
Volume XXIV (1973) Euro 101.74
Volume XXV (1977) Euro 164.24
Volume XXVI (1979) Euro 114.82
Volume XXVII (1980) Euro 135.17
Volume XXVIII (1982) Euro 140.99
Volume XXIX/XXX (1984) Euro 194.76
Volume XXXI (1984) Euro 129.36
Volume XXXII (1985) Euro 103.92
Volume XXXIII (1986) Euro 165.69
Volume XXXIV (1987) Euro 165.69
Volume XXXV (1988) Euro 143.17