Office of Student Representation

According to the Austrian Student Union Act (HSG 98 / version 2005) §17, every ordinary study programme has to set up a student representation, the members of which are to be newly elected by the students of the respective fields of study every two years. At the Department of Near Eastern Studies this concerns the branches of Ancient Near Eastern Philology and Near Eastern Archeology (Study Code 066 672), Arabic Studies (066 673), and Islamic Studies (066 674), as well as Turkish Studies (066 675). The number of persons that constitute the study representation is derived from the number of students enrolled in the programme of Near Eastern Studies.


The responsibilities of the Office of Student Representation include, in particular, the representation of student interests in student affairs as well as their professional development, the assigning of representatives to the Institute’s Conference, the submission of opinions on drafts for laws and regulations, and the use of the budget. In addition to these mostly administrative activities, the Office of Student Representation also organizes internal events for the promotion of communication between students and instructors and offers enrollment advice at the beginning of the semester. To the latter fixed office hours for the current semester will be added, in which it is possible to seek advice on different issues relating to study.

Current Student Representatives

Lisa Kerper, BA

Felix Ehrenbrandtner

Parissa Abdolvahab, BA



Information about Programmes & Contact

For questions, problems or other concerns that pertain to the study programme or the institute, including teaching staff, we can be reached at any time by e-mailing In addition, there is the possibility for a personal interview on the following dates:

The office hours:
only via e-mail.

Department of Near Eastern Studies, Spitalgasse 2, Court 4, A-1090 Vienna