Upcoming Conference: Unfolding an Unacknowledged Written Cultural Heritage: Armeno-Turkish Manuscripts, Prints, and Newspapers


We are pleased to announce the upcoming conference "Unfolding an Unacknowledged Written Cultural Heritage: Armeno-Turkish Manuscripts, Prints, and Newspapers," taking place at the University of Vienna from August 6–8, 2025. This landmark event will feature nine thematic panels, bringing together international leading scholars to explore diverse aspects of Armeno-Turkish textual traditions, including archival sources and language, historiography, multilingualism and translation, sociolinguistics, music traditions, printing cultures, literary genres, theater and morality, and post-Ottoman writing cultures. In addition, the conference will host a distinguished keynote lecture by Sebouh Aslanian (UCLA), a dedicated session on preserving Armenian cultural heritage, and a book discussion on "Managing Religious Diversity in the Ottoman Empire. Experiences of Istanbul Armenians in the Nineteenth Century" with Masayuki Ueno (Osaka Metropolitan University). With its rich program and vibrant intellectual exchange, the conference aims to discuss current research issues and trends, and shed new light on the significance of Armeno-Turkish literary heritage.

Further information and the programme will follow soon at: https://mekhitar.univie.ac.at/activities/