Our department welcomes Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Gudrun Krämer as a Visiting Professor in the Winter Semester


Gudrun Krämer is former Chair of the Institute of Islamic Studies and Director of the Berlin Graduate School Muslim Cultures and Societies, both at Freie Universität Berlin. She is a member of the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities (BBAW) and Executive Editor of the Encyclopaedia of Islam Three. After studying history, political science, English literature and Islamic Studies at the Universities of Heidelberg, Bonn and Sussex, she received her PhD in Islamic Studies from Hamburg University in 1982. From 1982-94 she was a senior Research Fellow at the Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik in Ebenhausen near Munich. In 1994, after obtaining her Habilitation, she was appointed Professor of Islamic Studies at the University of Bonn, and in 1996 she moved to Freie Universität Berlin. Gudrun Krämer has been a visiting scholar in Beijing, Beirut, Bologna, Cairo, Delhi, Erfurt, Jakarta, Paris and Salzburg.

She has published widely on Middle Eastern history, Islamic movements and Islamic political thought. Her monographs include Geschichte des Islam (Munich 2024); Der Architekt des Islamismus: Hasan al-Banna und die Muslimbrüder (Munich 2022); Der Vordere Orient und Nordafrika ab 1500 (Frankfurt a.M. 2016; =Neue Fischer Weltgeschichte 9); Geschichte Palästinas: Von der osmanischen Eroberung bis zur Gründung des Staates Israel (Munich, 6th ed., 2015; Engl., A History of Palestine, Princeton 2008, 2011); Gottes Staat als Republik (Baden-Baden 1999); The Jews in Modern Egypt 1914-1952 (Seattle 1989); edited volumes: Speaking for Islam. Religious Authorities in Muslim Societies, with Sabine Schmidtke (Leiden 2006); Anti-Semitism in the Arab World (Die Welt des Islams, Special issue, 46, 2006, 3). Audiovisual materials include the DVD series Islam. Religion, Geschichte und Kultur (Hamburg, ZEIT Akademie).

Prof. Krämer will teach the courses: