COL - Colloquium on Ottoman Literature

Ottoman Literature Through the Centuries 

3nd Colloquium on Ottoman Literature (June 6, 2024)

Şeyma Benli (Medeniyet University, Istanbul): Women as Plaintiffs, Defendants, and Pseudo-Regents in the Ottoman laṭīfe Corpus

İpek Hüner (Boğaziçi University, Istanbul): Possibilities of Ottoman Fiction: Hikayet-i Yahya Çelebi

Gisela Procházka-Eisl (University of Vienna): Poetry from the Provinces: Vaṣfī Efendi and his Largely Unknown Œuvre

16:30-17:00 Coffee Break

Ercan Akyol (University of Vienna): Ġazels in Progress: Drafts from Muḥibbī’s (Süleymān I) Poems

Hakan Yerebakan (Central European Universiy, Vienna): Early Modern Ottoman Humor and Invective: Theoretical Framework and Context

Aslıhan Gürbüzel (McGill University, Montreal): On Ottoman Love: Conversations between Political Thought, Sufism, and Literature


Organizers: Gisela Procházka-Eisl, Ercan Akyol

Dean, Faculty of Philological and Cultural Studies: Stephan Müller

2nd Colloquium on Ottoman Literature (April 20, 2023)

Sooyong Kim (Koç University, Istanbul): Ottoman Engagement with Persian Poetry across the 17th Century 

Ercan Akyol (University of Vienna): Taming the thugs and protecting the peace: The professional experiences of a disappointed ḳāḍī   

16:15-16:45 Coffee and Tea 

Edith Ambros (University of Vienna): Centripetal and centrifugal structures and tendencies in Ottoman poetry 

R. Aslıhan Aksoy Sheridan (TED University, Ankara): Taming the Nefs: Reading a 17th-century Ottoman Turkish Mecmū’a Inside Out

1st Colloquium on Ottoman Literature (May 19, 2022)

Ali Emre Özyıldırım (Yıldız Technical University): Osmanlı Şiirinde Özeleştiriden Sosyal Eleştiriye: Mihnet-keşan Örneği (18th/19th cent.) 

Nazlı Vatansever (University of Vienna): Sahhaflarşeyhizade Es'ad Efendi’s (1789-1848) Text Compilation Practices and Intellectual Curiosities Through His mecmuas (19th cent.) 

Aysu Akcan (University of Vienna): Could We Talk About Ego-Documents When We Talk About Ottoman Letters? Lāmiʿī Çelebi and His Letter-Collection, Kitābu Niṣābi’l-Belāġa (16th cent.) 

Edith Ambros (University of Vienna): Turkish Soldiers’ Oral Dialectal Reminiscences of the Balkan Wars, the First World War and the War of Independence: a Genre of Ego-Document (20th cent.) 

17:15-17:45 Coffee Break 

Ercan Akyol (University of Vienna): Understanding the Intricacies of Persian Literature in the Ottoman Context: Meḥmed Riyāżī Efendi and His Dictionary of Poetry, Düstūru l-ʿamal (17th cent.) 

Gisela Procházka-Eisl (University of Vienna): With Friends Like This You Don’t Need Enemies: The Ottoman Poet Sürūrī and His  Polemics. (18th cent.) 

Michael Sheridan (TED University, Ankara): Demonic Hermaphrodites, Infidel Catamites, and Poetaster Pimps: Sociocultural Tensions in the Early 17th-century Ottoman Elite as Seen through Invective Verse (17th cent.)