Ehemalige Andreas-Tietze-Fellows
Dr. Semih Çelik
Dr. Semih Çelik
Project: " 'A Veritable Child of Vienna – despite the Turkish name': Macarlı Abdullah Bey of Vienna and the Natural History Museum in Istanbul (1849-1874)"
Fellowship Period: August-September 2019
Yasemin Akçagüner (MA)
Yasemin Akçagüner (MA)
Project Title: Celestial Bodies: Astral Science, Medicine and the Ottoman Lifecycle (1768-1839)
Fellowship Period: May 2022
Dr. Sümeyye Hoşgör Büke
Project Title: Tracing the Food Consumption of Ottomans through the Tereke Registers of the Grocers in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries
Fellowship Period: 2020-2022
Arif Tapan (MA)
Arif Tapan (MA)
Project Title: “Expanding the Limits of Writing in Turkish: Armeno-Turkish Periodicals in the 19th-Century Ottoman Cultural Production (1850-1900)”
Fellowship Period: September-December 2022
Alperen Arslan (MA)
Project Title: Nature as a Universal Laboratory: Energy, Empire, and the Problem of -Global- Scientific Knowledge, 1870-1945
Fellowship Period: September-November 2022
Click here for an interview with Alperen Arslan
Dr. Mustafa Kemal Baran
Dr. Mustafa Kemal Baran
Project Title: Archaeology in Times of War and Peace: Austrian Excavations in Ephesus (1914-1954)
Fellowship Period: May-July 2023
Dr. Ezgi Sarıtaş
Dr. Ezgi Sarıtaş
Project Title: A Transgender History of Movement and Translation between Vienna and Istanbul
Fellowship Period: June-September 2023
Dr. Naira Poghosyan
Dr. Naira Poghosyan
Project Title: Joking on Problems, Laughing at “Others”: Case study of Armeno-Turkish satirical magazine “Zvarcahos”
Fellowship Period: March 2024
Enise Şeyda Kapusuz (MA)
Project Title: A Long History of Migration: Ottoman Muslim Women’s Activities in Vienna during and after WWI (1914-1919)
Fellowship Period: June-December 2024
Alika Zangieva (MA)
Project Title: Circassians in the Habsburg–Ottoman Sphere
Fellowship Period: June-August 2024
Halit Serkan Simen (MA)
Halit Serkan Simen (MA)
Project Title: The Ruling Elite Divided: The Making of Grand Vizier Koca Sinan Pasha (d. 1596) in the Faction-Ridden Ottoman Court
Fellowship Period: September-October 2024
Tobias Sick (MA)
Project Title: Inner-Islamic Transfer of Knowledge in the Ottoman Empire: On Translations of Works of Islamic Mysticism within Transregional Sufi Networks in the Anatolian and Arab Provinces
Fellowship Period: September 2024